Camping Skill Building
The opportunities to camp outdoors in New Hampshire are amazing. The beauty of our region is rich in diversity and a long history of exploration. As scouts, we seek to responsibly explore the outdoors and one of the chief means of doing so is through camping.
Camping is not about saving a few bucks on a hotel bill. It is about gaining an intimate knoweledge of our environment. Doing so will lead to better stewardship of our natural resources. Besides, once you have the skills, camping is FUN!
It is the goal of our troop to provide scouts an opportunity to spend at least one night of every month in the year outdoors. Camping in the summer is relatively easy. As to winter camping; it is a season to be held in awe.
To achieve our objective we must ensure a robust schedule.
July 19-25 Troop 25 participates in the resident camp program at Hidden Valley. First year scouts will focus on core skills and relationship building. Seasoned scouts will explore new areas of interest. All scouts will face challenges together as a troop. These challenges require the troop to lead itself and work together to overcome obstacles and achieve success.