Tentative Construction Schedule
Well, things our best laid plans went quite awry. Between summer camp, our aggresive riding schedule, and the brutal fact that I did not get things ready at the house our project is stalled.
But, as another Scoutmaster I know often says, we are scouts and that won't stop us. We will reboot the project after school starts.
Here's what I envision. First, I have to see if the project canoes can be built in my basement. Well, more importantly, once they are built will we be able to get them out?! I have a canoe in the yard that a bit wider than our project and I have a beam that is a bit longer. This will permit me a chance to determine whether or not my idea is sound. If so, we will resume work on a "workshop" basis. This means we will schedule dates other than troop meetings for interested scouts to sign up. More about that soon.